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- Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition
How to Install Railroad Tycoon Simulator for Windows PC or MAC: Railroad Tycoon Simulator is an Android Simulation app developed by Shadow Space and published on the Google play store. It has gained around 1000 installs so far, with an average rating of 3.0 out of 5 in the play store. Welcome to the “Railroad Tycoon 3” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port Railroad Tycoon 3 in a few simple steps (that even a noob can understand) so you can play it on your Mac using Crossover. Crossover makes it possible to play Windows on your Mac with just a few clicks!
Description of Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition
Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition is a video game published in 1999 on Mac by Gathering of Developers, Inc.. The game is set in a compilation / shovelware theme.
Captures and Snapshots
Screenshots from MobyGames.com / Platform: Windows
Comments and reviews
hopestar2018-08-060 point
doesn't play on Mac OS 10.12.5
adam2018-02-16-4 points
How do I get it to work when I dont have the CD nor a CD drive on my laptop?
Sahnehering Sanchez2017-09-220 point
Brilliant! Burnt the image on a CD-ROM, installed it on my original PPC Mac (a G3 400 Mhz on Mac OS 9.2) and it works like a charm!!! Yippie yeah!
ibnu2016-03-080 point
Good game
nucFlash2016-01-150 point
I only works under the 'Classic' Mac OS, before Mac OS X and only then on older PowerPC machines natively. I've never tried an emulator so I have no knowledge how well it works, if at all.
However, back 'in the day' I played it quite extensively on my Power Mac G4 running Mac OS 9 (and seem to remember it supported from Mac OS 7.5.3 and above) and I remember it having a random type 2 system error whenever you got into a complex, fully developed game...quite irritating to say the least.
squeege2016-01-070 point
I think it only works up to system 10.3.9 Probably going to need an old computer.
iggy2015-09-13-1 point
cannot get this to work. just says file is damaged and doesnt attempt to load. i'm using 10.10.5
defjaim2015-06-09-9 points Mac version
the game don't work at mac 10.10.3. does someone have a solution ?
Entertainist2015-03-110 point Mac version
Nostalgia time!!! So thrilled I stumbled across this- thanks so much for uploading it :)))
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Buy Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition
Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. GOG.com provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.
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Today we are checking out a real classic in Railroad Tycoon 2. While it is the PC version, I am specifically looking at today. Back in 2000, it was the Sony PlayStation that led to me discovering this hidden gem. I have always had an interest in management style sims ever since my old man brought me Sim City for the Super Nintendo. This one here has aged like a fine wine and was just as much fun as I remembered it being.
From The Past To The Future
The game starts at the inception of the railroads and goes all the way to modern times and even into the future a bit as well. It is a massive scope of time that you play through in Railroad Tycoon 2 and this is something I have always thought was really cool. There is no “story” however, the game does throw some scripted events your way that change things up and keep you on your toes.
Laying Down The Tracks
Most of what you will be doing in the game is building your railroad empire. The main things that you will be taking care of are building the tracks, the stations, and taking care of your trains. There is a fair bit of strategy at play here when it comes to building your train tracks. I made the mistake of building over hills and rough terrain before I really knew what I was doing and my trains would derail all the time.You need to think about what you are doing and make it so all the main businesses and industries can be connected together thanks to your tracks as this is where you make money. Making money is what is at the heart of Railroad Tycoon 2. You get paid for being able to have loads be hauled from one place to another, the amount of money you make will depend on the haul that is being transported.
Money, Money, Money!
Another way that you can make money is by dabbling in the stock market. I know that some people love this kind of thing, but for me, it was the weakest part of the game and something that I felt was far too easily abused. You have rivals and they would tend to make most of their money from the stock market, but their tracks would be trash! You need to spend money to make money. From fuel to train and track maintenance, someone always wants your money.
Some of the scripted events are fun and range from train robberies to a rival starting to get a bit too big for their britches. The gameplay overall has a rather relaxing feel to it and it is the kind of game you can waste many hours with.
Railroad Tycoon 3 For Mac Free Download
I am not exactly what you would call a trainspotter or a train enthusiast. However, Railroad Tycoon 2 is a game that I have spent many hours with on both the PC and the PlayStation. The game may seem like it is not for everyone, but you do not have to have an interest in trains to get any fun out of this. I would say that if you like games such as Sim City and Theme Park, you are in for a good time with this.
Final Score
Railroad Tycoon Mac Free Download
- way the game goes through the ages is cool
- I liked the presentation which held up very well
- The sound effects of the trains have a lot of charm to them
- The scripted events are fun and keep you on your toes
- It is a fun sim style game
- The “music” is not very good
- There comes a point where you just have enough of playing it