Insyde Flash Tool

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  1. Insyde Flash Tool
  2. Insydeh20 Bios Update Download
  3. Insyde Flash Utility

Insyde® Software to Demonstrate New BIOS-Development-in-the-Cloud Solution

Hello, i think this is the right thread to repost the same problem with Insyde BIOS recovery (still unsolved), sorry for my bad English, well i did a stupid experimental stuff (can't be undone) with Insyde OA3 Injection tools) to write ACPI MSDM table with my own key (yeah now i know it's useless) on InsydeH20 BIOS (Acer Aspire E1-471. INSYDEFLASH APPLICATION Software files In this page we will show you all files belong to INSYDEFLASH APPLICATION software, and find how to download INSYDEFLASH APPLICATION software.

InQuire® Enhances BIOS Engineer Productivity by Streamlining
BIOS Development Resources through the Cloud

COMPUTEX - TAIPEI, TAIWAN – May 30, 2017 – Insyde® Software, a leading provider of UEFI BIOS, today announced that it will be demonstrating during Computex Taipei a new BIOS development solution, called InQuire, which consolidates integral development resources into a single cloud solution that streamlines BIOS development.

H20EZE: Easy BIOS Editor that helps edit binaries in the BIOS,
including Option ROMs, driver binaries, logos, and Setup values.
H20FFT: Firmware Flash Tool assists in quickly and easily
updates flash devices with new BIOS firmware.
H20SDE: SMBIOS Data Editor that facilitates easy modification of
any SMBIOS (DMI) field by GUI and Command Line, with support for
a wide variety of OS environments.
H20UVE: UEFI Variable Editor
# Insider_BIOS_Tools
**BIOS tools for Insyde Insiders!** *(release approved by the management of Insyde Software Japan)*
We believe that the commercial value of our outdated BIOS developer tools is quite low.
As a gesture of good will towards the BIOS modding community and IT community in general, we have decided to release
some of our outdated BIOS developer tools - which are a part of this GitHub repository.
Please note that the BIOS developer tools of this repository, as well as all the related
files such as documents which could be found at this repository, have been re-licensed
to **Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs (CC-ND)** license - see **License.txt** license agreement
text file for more information. In accordance with this license agreement,
**you CAN:**
**1.** ***Use these tools for personal, hobbyist, and even for the commercial purposes!***
However, please note this repository contains only SOME of OUTDATED developer tools.
We believe that these old tools are not suitable for any large-scale commercial projects
related to the current up-to-date generation of computer hardware.
If your company is planning a serious large project related to BIOS modification and/or development:
we HIGHLY recommend that you contact us and purchase the new versions of these tools, price is available upon request
**2.** ***Distribute these tools - almost without any restrictions!***
Almost, because you CANNOT distribute these tools without **License.txt** license agreement file that is a
part of this GitHub repository. Also, you are NOT allowed to modify this **License.txt** file or replace it with your own version or anything else
**you CANNOT:**
**1.** ***Distribute these tools without License.txt file that is a part of this GitHub repository***
**2.** ***Claim any warranty for the BIOS developer tools which are a part of this GitHub repository***
**3.** ***Hold liable our company for any damage that is connected to the usage of these tools***
Please note that these tools are provided AS-IS without any dedicated customer support.
We recommend that only the people who have the sufficient technical experience can use them.
If you need the customer support, please contact us to purchase the new versions of tools:
the customer support service is not provided separately, but it is included together with the new versions of tools.
The exact price and conditions of customer support service are specific for every contract
**Do not contact us with ANY questions about this GitHub repository unless you have paid for customer support**
Insyde Software Japan поделилась своими устаревшими утилитами:
> Состав архива:
H20EZE - простой редактор БИОСа который позволяет:
1) извлекать и заменять внутренние модули такие как VGABIOS и бинарники драйверов
2) разблокировать секретные скрытые настройки, изменение которых позволяет 'прокачать'
ноут и может быть даже обойтись без аппаратного ремонта в некоторых случаях (например если
глючит SATA контроллер, можно попробовать перевести его из режима SATA 3.0 в щадящий SATA 2.0,
при работе с обычными хардами - не SSD - разница в производительности будет почти незаметна)
3) поменять логотип, например на лого Вашей ремонтной конторы :)-(: или на картинку клиента
H20FFT - помогает быстро прошивать биосы, хотя вроде мы и так уже умеем :)
H20SDE - удобный редактор полей SMBIOS (DMI), интересная вещь может пригодится
H20UVE - редактор значений переменных UEFI
+ некоторые файлы имеющие прямое отношение к этим утилитам,
например руководства пользователя. Кроме того,
Descriptions_of_Included_Tools.txt - краткое описание инструментов - послание от Insyde которое прилагается к релизу
License.txt - по условиям лицензии распространять эти утилиты
разрешается только вместе с текстом этой лицензии
Attached Thumbnails

Insyde Flash Tool

Insyde Flash Tool

Insydeh20 Bios Update Download

Flash Attached FilesInsyde Flash Tool

Insyde Flash Utility

  • (83.20 MB, 58 views)