OUI Lookup Tool
- Mac Address Lookup. Discover which company built a networked interface by MAC Address. Several formats accepted: 00-1C-23-59-5A-92, 001c23595a92, 00:1C:23:59:5A:92; Partial searches are accepted: 001c, 2359:92; Uses several databases including NMAP, IEEE Official List, Wireshark Info, and more. Never know what else may show up;) MAC address.
- MAC Address and OUI Lookup NEW: If you want to perform multiple MAC address lookups, you may register with aruljohn.com and perform bulk MAC address lookups. This program displays the name of the company that manufactured your network card.
- How to Use The MAC Address Lookup Tool? If you want to find the manufacturer a certain MAC address belongs to, enter your full MAC address or first 6 hexadecimal digits. This tool support most of the common formats such as 00-10-fa-c2-bf-d5, 00:10:fa:c2:bf:d5, 0010.fac2.bfd5, 00 10.
Get mac address from command line (CMD) We can find mac address (physical address) of a computer using the command ‘ getmac ‘. This can be used to get mac address for remote computers also. Below are few examples on how to use this command. It works on XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003 and Server 2008 operating systems.
The Wireshark OUI lookup tool provides an easy way to look up OUIs and other MAC address prefixes. It uses the Wireshark manufacturer database, which is a list of OUIs and MAC addresses compiled from a number of sources.
Type or paste in a list of OUIs, MAC addresses, or descriptions below. OUIs and MAC addresses may be colon-, hyphen-, or period-separated.
IEEE Std 802-2001. The Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). 2002-02-07. P. 19. 'The Universal Administration Of LAN MAC Addresses Began With The Xerox Corporation Adminis...
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Free Mac Address Lookup Tool
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